Introducing New Sound Absorbent Solutions
At LUXIONA, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Office Catalogue, a comprehensive resource dedicated to professional lighting solutions tailored for office environments! Within these pages, you will find knowledge and expert guidance aimed at enhancing your workspace, fostering greater productivity, comfort, and harmonious surroundings, all while optimizing sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
The catalogue features new sound-absorption solutions explicitly designed to enhance acoustic comfort and speach clarity within office spaces and mitigate the challenges posed by noise pollution, including issues related to concentration and communication.
Luxiona combines lighting and sound absorption, in three unique solutions, each tailored to address specific acoustic challenges in various workplace settings, including the X-Line family, bolstered by special acoustic accessories, Tuset Sound Absorbent and Aribau Sound Absorbent luminaire.
Discover more about new solutions and practical insights about office lighting in the New Office Lighting catalogue.
Download your own copy now.
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